Grand Traverse Resort and Spa in Acme, Michigan

It’s no secret that I love visiting the Traverse City area. From May-October this area of northern Michigan becomes an irresistible attraction with wineries, breweries, distilleries, restaurants, resorts, golf courses, farmer’s markets, apple orchards, creameries, stables, marinas, antique shops, boutiques, lighthouses, and even a casino. There is literally something here for everyone, but culinary travelers, […]

Black Star Farms Inn and Winery – Suttons Bay, Michigan

Sutton’s Bay in the summertime is a photographer’s dream; from the stunning shoreline of Lake Michigan with its sandy beaches and ocean-like vastness to the hillside vineyards, this part of northern Michigan offers an escape from the flat Midwestern landscape. Straddling the 45th parallel, the Leelanau Peninsula is home to many wineries, small farms, farmstands […]